Museum of University of Wroclaw - stats

Number of objects: 66382 (including 12778 published and 53604 planned)

Currently reading: 30

Total number of readers since the launch of the Museum (2019-06-28): 8046952

General statistics

Total number of published objects in the museum

Data since:

Number of objects viewed per month

Data since:

A displayed object is an object for which any content file has been displayed.

Number of published objects per month

Data since:

Number of downloads of objects per month

Data since:

Number of objects available in each format

Data since:

The number in parentheses is the total number of objects that contain content in the given format

  1. [7748]
  2. Undefined format[4770]
  3. [255]
  4. [4]
  5. [2]
  6. [1]
  7. [1]
  8. [0]
  9. [0]
  10. [0]
  11. [0]

The number of views of the content of objects in individual formats

Data since:

The number in parentheses is the total number of views of the content of the objects in the given format

  1. [7804]
  2. Undefined format[7765]
  3. [540]
  4. [135]
  5. [70]
  6. [24]
  7. [2]
  8. [0]
  9. [0]
  10. [0]
  11. [0]

Detailed listing by various object attributes

Select metadata language:

List according to the number of shared objects

Attribute chart:
  1. [4383]
  2. [32]
  3. [15]
  4. [1]

List according to the number of displayed objects

Attribute chart:
  1. [4145]
  2. [131]
  3. [69]
  4. [1]

List according to the number of shared objects

Attribute chart:
  1. [4383]
  2. [32]
  3. [15]
  4. [5]

List according to the number of displayed objects

Attribute chart:
  1. [4145]
  2. [131]
  3. [69]
  4. [2]

Number of generated webpages per month

Data since:

The number of generated web pages includes the number of all MUWr pages generated (including the home page, search results, pages of individual objects, etc.)

Number of searches performed per month

Data since:

Number of visitors per month

Data since:

Comment on the data

Not all statistical data has been available since the launch of the UWr Museum in 2019. Some of it was added with subsequent software updates.

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